After completing the questionnaire, you will be sent a package of materials for self-study. Materials will correspond to your chosen topic, and their number of a selected number of hours, in addition, you are sent an example of completed course work (course structure: title page, table of contents, introduction (relevance), main part, conclusions, and research prospects, literature).

You will be given 2–4 weeks to process the materials from the moment of receipt (the duration of processing may vary according to the cadet’s application/illness/leave/force majeure).

The analysis and processing of materials should be completed by writing a term paper during the next two weeks of the internship (possible early completion of the work).

The course must correspond to your chosen topic of internship and the direction of your professional, scientific, or scientific-pedagogical activity.

When writing a term paper, you can use the materials sent to you, the results of your own work, research, and scientific papers.

Typography Requirements

A4 page format, margins 2 cm, Times New Roman 14 font, 1.5 paragraph, line spacing 1.5.

The volume of course work must be at least 30 pages.

Writing language: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Submit the text in * .doc, * .rtf formats; prepare drawings in JPG, TIF formats.

For formulas, it is recommended to use the Microsoft Equation formula editor.

A written term paper is sent by e-mail ([email protected]) to check and correct errors before sending it directly for analysis to Slovenia.

If necessary, you can consult with the internship consultants by e-mail (e-mail: [email protected]).

After analyzing the work of the cadet, the commission decides to issue a certificate, or, if there are comments, it is proposed to correct them and resend the work for verification.

The cadet receives the decision on the successful completion of the internship and the issuance of the relevant certificate by e-mail.

The paper version of the certificate is delivered from Slovenia to Ukraine by courier, then personally sent to the cadet by Nova Poshta.